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Special Interest Groups

Special Interests Groups

At Einstein, there are myriad clubs and interest groups that reflect the professional, educational and social endeavors of the Einstein student body. These clubs and groups offer opportunities to get involved in Einstein’s local Bronx community, take part in the local, regional and national activities of professional organizations, gain insights into specific medical disciplines, engage with fellow students and other members of the Einstein community around like interests and simply to have fun. What’s more, if you have an idea for a club or interest group that you think will be of interest to other students, we encourage you to contact The office of student activities can help you get started in organizing your club or group.

Steps for starting a new interest group:


Step 1:

If you are interested in starting a new interest group, complete the new club proposal form and wait for approval from the Student Governing Board.


Step 2:

Once you have been approved, you will receive a preliminary budget of $100.


If you have any further questions, please contact Jessica Lucas, Director at or call 718.430.2101.


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